Rainfall map and analytics dashboard helps deliver rainfall predictions for any point or polygon
MAP Rain is our high performance, flexible and scalable cloud-based solution for rainfall predictions and flood monitoring analytics. As a result, we can deliver a rainfall map with location specific rainfall analytics for any point and any area of interest.
Click here for more information on MAP Rain and the rainfall map and dashboard
Updates in the Works:
Rainfall analytics updates
- New alerts – New alerts now are Red (Forecast exceeds high limit 12 hours from now Amber (Forecast Exceeds high limit less than 12-hours from now) and Clear (Forecast goes below high limit)
- Self -service for Points of Interest and Catchments: We are working on a way for customers to add Points and Polygons themselves. This will let you change your own high limits.
- Forecasts – We are using a 36-hour forecast for sending rainfall prediction alerts about the risk of flooding and looking to move to a longer forecast, 5-days – 7-days.
- Catching summer Storms – Our Hyperlocal Rainfall solution gives short term accurate predictions of rainfall by ‘tracking’ the path of the existing rain. For every 1km2 cell in the UK we create 12 predictions over the next hour, refreshed every 5 minutes. This is good for picking up those summer storms. So, we will integrate this into MAP Rain and combine it with existing forecasts.
- Screenshots Feature – We are working on a way for customers to take screenshots of Radar rainfall displayed and automatically download it. This helps create reports of historic events.
- Raster files in GIS – Similar to the screenshot feature. We are implementing a way of saving the rainfall map image displayed which can then be imported into your GIS application and overlaid onto maps.
- Simplified menu – We are adding an extra menu to MAP Rain. This lets users switch between a simplified menu for beginners and a more advanced menu.
Rainfall map and dashboard updates
If you’d like to see other features added then let us know