New AngularJS webclient revitalises our original MCE Analytics Engine – low-code analytics for developing solutions easily and quickly
We are very pleased to announce that our original MCE analytics engine has had a bit of a makeover! A new AngularJS webclient and updated Javascript widgets have revitalised the analytics engine. It is just as fast, just as flexible and just as easy to use. However, the new AngularJS dashboard makes it much easier to set up, configure and modify Items. The new Javascript widgets also make it easier to create your own dashboards and to display the metrics you need.
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The principles behind MCE are becoming more accepted as more companies appreciate the benefits that self-service access to data and associated analytics within the organisation. MCE has always focused on enabling anyone in to quickly develop a simple application, and then add more complex analytics as they understand both the capabilities of MCE and as the application itself develops. The new New AngularJS webclient now makes it a whole lot easier to use!
Traditionally, most users of MCE are based in the energy or water sectors, using MCE to calculate complex energy tariffs; energy management; pumping efficiency metrics; chemical consumption and dosing; spill monitoring and prediction for water assets; real-time home-energy monitoring to name a few. However, we believe that MCE is a powerful and flexible tool for any organisation that wants to enable its workforce to deliver real-time analyitcs solutions without having to rely on an army of data scientists to create the background analytics.
Some case studies can be found here.
Meniscus Calculation Engine – MCE (low-code analytics engine)
MCE Javascript Widgets – built using MCE AngularJS webclient